Wednesday, February 15, 2006

My Butterfly Effect

Like a cliche screen moment (Groundhog Day, 50 First Dates, latest episode of Medium, Butterfly Effect, etc) I found myself in the midst of a man’s loss of short term memory.

Immediately after returning from jkt, i was awoken at 4am by a bewildered, puzzled and lost voice. Bloh was on the other line asking questions to help him orientate himself; “What day is it? What date is it? Why are you here? What’s this pain i got on my head? How did i get home? Is it still chinese new year?”

I kept answering his questions patiently and objectively. I made sure his memory of himself was intact: like his name, address and family members. With that, everything else should not be an issue. I figured he must have lost about a week’s worth of memory ever since the chinese new year dinner onwards. From what I could gather, he was at the hospital and was adviced to stay for observation. I tried to convince him to do so, and he agreed. I didn’t think driving to a hospital at 4am was going to be of any use. It did feel like as if it was a bad joke and talking to an irritating 5 year old who keeps asking the whys. Three hours later, I was repeating the same story to a lost Bloh. However, this time, he mentioned that he was at home and had no idea how he got there.

I made my way to his place and discussed the situation with the mum. we decided to check if the hospital had any records about his misadventure. After a few minutes of chatting with the pleasant girl at the call centre, we learnt that he never was discharged out of the hospital. A runaway. Flashes of incredible hulk raging through the hospital, throwing tables, chairs and people out of his way came to mind. We had to take him back, and to hear the doctor’s diagnosis since they wouldn’t do that over the phone.

One coincidence of the event allowed bloh to meet with J “on eagles wings” K. a hero in his own right but man none the less. He gave the advice that all will be well, and time will come through for him. I remembered several years ago as JK was recovering. It wasn’t easy. The questions were ,uch deeper and their implications greater. Life would never be the same for JK. The only way was to give up and surrender to the winds of God as he lept off, spreading his wings like eagles’.

Today’s Good Word : ABSCONDED

i then brought him back to the hospital to complete the doctor’s examination and diagnosis. Bloh was starting to get agitated and wanted to abscone again. after much shouting and the stares of other patients in the A&E department, bloh calmed down and i had to confiscate his phone. He had been trying to contact the only known person who would know what happended to him.

After finally being dischared from the hospital, we made our way to the las known contact’s house. it must be hard hearing about what happened. everything still sounded so alien to him.

Somehow, the world goes a little off when i’m not in town…… and i will remember this day and date, saturday, 11 feb 2005

Taken off the fabulous blog of Mr. Chan, yes, I am the infamous Bloh and no, I did not bash out of the hospital like the incredible hulk. Even if I did, I would have done it with more class like how Batman would do it, with incredible spy skills and such.

But on a more serious note, I actually wanted certain parts of my memory to be wiped off... somethings are more painful to remember.......

Thanks to you Erwin..... one who truly deserves to be called a friend.
In gratitude of your actions. I will now support your gout foundation right here