Monday, September 03, 2007

Book Plug : In My Time by Mr. Miyagi

There comes a time when all boys must fulfill a calling. A compulsory calling.
When boys supposedly becomes men.(Supposedly some, cause some of them discover their true sexuality calling)
When all girls look good.
When all men look the same or dress the same for that matter.

Yes. Its the Army Calling (Nb recruit,take your time somemore, drop 20)

I am sure many of us has memories of wearing the green uniform. Some good, some bad.. mostly fun for me.

Well Mr. Miyagi and friends has released a new book, aptly called In My Time about life in the army. Probably called In My Time as a guidebook to the future generation of enlistees... Saves us the trouble of telling them "In my time......." we just give them the book to read.

This book will look good beside my Army Daze comic from Michael Chiang. Here is a sneak preview;

Remember to support it.. On sale in bookstores from 21 September. Only $9.95!
Some more by Singaporean. So put it in your bag then when you see him on the streets just pull it out for autograph.


DK said...

Interesting. Can't wait for 21 Sept.