But honestly, is my life really that bad here? Yes and no..... mostly no... but I really dont see myself as one who can be happy here for long. I will always keep wondering whats happening outside......
My gf is here, the colleagues are great, less for one. Fuck you mutha fucker kelvin Lim. (Sorry , cant resist it)
well at least i get a cool email with ending .gov.sg and a slightly better pay.. but what lies ahead? I really dont know. Like ppl always say, the unknown is scary.

so you got the job. congrats.
Cool dude! You made it! Well done! See you on MSN!
Congrats again!
I think you're damn brave lah. I wish I will be able to step out of my comfort zone when the time comes.
Cheers to new beginnings!
- breadcrumbs
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