Thursday, March 30, 2006

Categorisation of human beings

Back in one of my communities, some 13-year-old girls were arguing about being emo and emo goth. Thewhole arguement just boiled down to nothing in the end, but the girls weren't talking to each other anymore, now that they've put themselves into sick catergories.

"I'm emo please don't make fun of emos!" the emo girl wrote. She started the whole Emo vs Goth debate, by saying, "Goths are depressed human beings."

I found out these girls catergorised themselves NOT by how they feel, but by what they like, what they do, what they wear. They got influenced by the major US bands, which tricked them into thinking like that.

The above was taken off a local forum

so god created, man and women, then the blacks, chinese, and what have you

then within ourselves, we, humans decided that its not enough... we need to create more lines and we start to create subcategories, goth, emo,terrorists, blah blah blah... how interesting.. thats where wars are created and man is divided..

Its exactly like how, if we were zebras, we start to ask if we are black with white stripes, or white with black stripes and then we count to see which is more and we draw the line ....

In the near future, I can see EMOs launches attack on goths and we start a new war within ourselves...

I miss the simple life where all are one....