Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Too Free

1) Are your parents married or divorced? Married
2) Are you a vegetarian? damn if i am
3) Do you believe in Heaven? Yes
4) Have you ever come close to dying? think so
5) What jewelery do you wear 24/7? damn if i do,used to wear ear studs though, till i realised it doesnt make me much of a stud6) Favorite time of day? Night
7) Do you eat the stems of broccoli? damn if i do
8) Do you wear makeup? damn if i do
9) Ever have plastic surgery? damn if i do
10) Do you color your hair? yeap.. red was the last colour i did
11) What do you wear to bed? tees and shorts
12) Have you ever done anything illegal? we were all once young and dangerous
13) Can you roll your tongue? a trick i do proudly, yes
14) Do You Tweeze your eyebrows? damn if i do
15) What kind of sneakers? none
16) Do you believe in Abortions? damn if i do
17) What is your Hair color? slightly reddish
18) Future child's name? Daughter :Natalie
19) Do you snore? if my friends dont lie. yes
20) If you could go anywhere in the world where would it be? Egypt
21) Do you sleep with stuffed animals? damn if i do
22) If you won the lottery, what would you do first? Shimin, then mum
23) Gold or silver? Silver
24) Hamburger or hot dog? Hotdogs..
25) If you could only eat one food for the rest of your life, what would it be? EGGS
26) City, beach or country? Beach
27) What was the last thing you touched? My girlfriend?
28) Where did you eat last? Long John breakkie to go
29) When's the last time you cried? Cant remember
30) Do you read blogs? of course, love the gossips
31) Would you ever go out dressed like the opposite sex? damn if i do
32) Ever been involved with the police? not sexually
33) What's your favorite shampoo conditioner and soap? Dont bathe..but seriously Pantene shampoo, dove soap
34) Do you talk in your sleep? how would i know
35) Ocean or pool? Ocean
38) Window seat or aisle? Window
39) Ever met anyone famous? here and there yeah, famous, but not important
40) Do you feel that you've had a truly successful life? damn if i do
41) Do you twirl your spaghetti or cut it? Twirling
42) Ricki Lake or Oprah Winfrey? No... letterman
43) Basketball or Football? neither
44) How long do your showers last? ten min max
45) Automatic or do you drive a stick? ????
46) Cake or ice cream? Ice cream
47) Are you self-conscious? very.. honestly... very
48) Have you ever drank so much you threw up? yeap
49) Have you ever given money to a begger? yeap
50) Have you been in love? Hell yeah
51) Where do you wish you were? not in office
52) Are you wearing socks? yeap
53) Have you ever ridden in an ambulance? nope
54) Can you tango? nope
55) Last gift you received? my girlfriend
56) Last sport you played? bowling?
57) Things you spend a lot of money on? toys and food
58) Where do you live? Singapore
59) Where were you born? Singapore
60) Last wedding attended? Colleague's wedding
63) Most hated food(s)? vegetables
64) What's your least fav.? vegetables
65) Can you sing? I try.. i try hard
66) Last person you instant messaged? My girlfriend
67) Last place you went on holiday? Bangkok
68) Favorite regular drink? H2oH, Lightly Carbonated drink
69) Tag 3 friends: Wendi, Erwin, Cheryl (not that they bother i guess)
70) Current Song? Slayer - Reigning Blood